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Entering into a commercial lease as a tenant in New Zealand can be a complex process, with several legal considerations to keep in mind. Whether you're a new business owner or an experienced entrepreneur, it's important to understand your legal obligations and protect your interests throughout the lease term. Here are some key legal considerations to keep in mind when entering into a commercial lease as a tenant in New Zealand:

Lease Terms

The lease agreement will outline the terms of the lease, including the rent, lease term, and any rent reviews. It's important to review and understand the lease terms before signing the agreement to ensure that they align with your business needs and budget.

Rent and Outgoings

Commercial leases typically require tenants to pay rent and contribute towards outgoings, such as building insurance, rates, and maintenance. It's important to understand the total cost of the lease, including any additional costs, and budget accordingly.

Property Condition and Maintenance

The lease agreement will outline the tenant and landlord's responsibilities for property maintenance and repairs. It's important to understand these responsibilities and ensure that the property is in good condition before signing the lease.

Assignment and Subletting

The lease agreement may contain restrictions on assigning or subletting the premises. It's important to review these restrictions and understand your options for subleasing or assigning the lease if needed.

Termination and Renewal

The lease agreement will outline the conditions for termination and renewal of the lease. It's important to understand these conditions and ensure that you have the flexibility to renew or terminate the lease as needed.

Dispute Resolution

The lease agreement may contain a dispute resolution clause, outlining the process for resolving disputes between the tenant and landlord. It's important to understand this process and ensure that it is fair and reasonable.


Working with Mactodd Lawyers can help you navigate the legal requirements and protect your interests when entering into a commercial lease as a tenant in New Zealand. By understanding your legal obligations and seeking professional advice, you can ensure a smooth and successful lease term for your business. Contact us today to find out more about how to protect your interests when entering into a commercial lease.



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